Arrival and Dismissal

Please put safety first for ALL students by following these simple guidelines. 

Notice there are staff members EVERYWHERE during arrival and dismissal to enforce these safety expectations. 

We are committed to our K9 kiddos!  Communication and consistency are essential. A consistent plan daily is key so that your child is comfortable and confident in his/her routine.

Communicate with your child and his/her teacher in advance to adjust arrival/dismissal arrangements.

If an emergent situation arises, contact the office via phone at (815) 577-5700.

Please do not email your child’s teacher to change dismissal during the school day.  Teachers do not have the opportunity to check emails while teaching. We will only change dismissal procedures if contacted by parents.

*A student telling a staff member without parent permission will NOT change the dismissal procedure for safety reasons.

Students can enter the building at 8:50.  Instruction begins at 9:05, ready to learn.  Students not in their seats ready to learn by 9:05 are tardy and must enter the main door and be ‘signed in’ by the parent.  Be aware that there is no staff supervision prior to 8:50.